Special double-sided Chinese advance poster for Hayao Miyazaki’s acclaimed 2001 Studio Ghibli film, aka “Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi.” Artwork is by Huang Hai. In this animated feature by noted Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, 10-year-old Chihiro (Rumi Hiiragi) and her parents (Takashi Naitô, Yasuko Sawaguchi) stumble upon a seemingly abandoned amusement park. After her mother and father are turned into giant pigs, Chihiro meets the mysterious Haku (Miyu Irino), who explains that the park is a resort for supernatural beings who need a break from their time spent in the earthly realm, and that she must work there to free herself and her parents.
- Year: 2019R
- Nationality: Chinese
- Condition: Unfolded & double-sided
- Type: Original One Sheet
- Size: 29 X 41 Inches
- Product Code: P2471